Info for AI and Deepfake Victims

What is AI Deepfake

A Beginners Guide to Deepfakes

This guide to deepfakes explains not only what deepfakes are, but also outlines the risks they could pose and provides practical, helpful advice on how to help protect the children and young people…

Protect Yourself

AI generated image

AI Harassment at School

Contact your principal or teacher and fill in the HIB report immediately (Standing for Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying). You can go ahead and fill it with your parent or with the school official. Whatever makes you more comfortable. 

Guidance for Parents

Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act 

Advocate for yourself

RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.
New! The RAINN Mobile App Offers Survivors & Loved Ones Another Option for Support | RAINN
The RAINN app gives survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones access to support, self-care tools, and information to help manage the short- and long-term effects of sexual violence.

National Sexual Assault Hotline.
Free. Confidential. 24/7


Seek Help

If you find yourself the victim of deep fake porn, it’s important to seek help immediately. Both mental health and legal action should be taken to protect yourself. For those living in the US, the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative has a crisis hotline for expert support and advice. It’s also essential to seek the support of a licensed, trusted therapist to help you process your feelings and emotions surrounding the incident.

Crisis Helpline for
Victims of Revenge Porn


Feeling Helpless, CALL 988

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

24/7 Free
Confidential Support


Social Media and Safety

Impact of TikTok on Adolescents

Phenomenon of Social Media

A Social Life | Award Winning Short Film | Social Media Depression
This Is How Social Media Is Destroying Your Life – The Fake Reality